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Hypnobanding (Gastric Band Hypnotherapy)

A lot of you may have heard the word Hypnobanding, but what is it?

Hypnobanding is a non surgical therapy which uses your subconscious mind to make you think you have had Gastric Band surgery. Designed for those with a BMI over 25 Hypnobanding is a safe, risk free and cheap alternative to Gastric Band Surgery.

Using a combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Hypnotherapy can help your change your eating habits forever!

People engage in eating behaviour as a matter of survival, normally every day but it is becoming more and more apparent that when we over eat it is usually due to psychological reasons (mood and emotions). Lots of research has been completed on the subject and results show that those who engage in an integrated system that analyses and deals with emotional and psychological reasons for over-eating have better success. Hypnobanding does this and more. Sessions are used to delve into the reasons why you over eat and lots of help is offered for you to overcome whatever those reasons are. I am a qualified and dedicated Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and Hypnotherapist and I CARE about YOU and I CARE about your struggle! My aim is to help you overcome your reasons for over eating and achieve whatever your goal is for effective and sustainable weight loss!

Ring me NOW for a FREE Consultation, Christine 07962424491

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